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Tourisme responsable - Vacancéole

Responsible Tourism

At Vacancéole, we are committed to the environment and nature, and work towards a more responsible and sustainable kind of tourism. We know that you and your whole tribe believe in this too!

Since 2015, we have been committed to a global Corporate Social Responsibility approach out of concern for wellbeing and living well in harmony with our surroundings. The approach is conducive to reflection and responsible engagement for the preservation and balance of all and our resources.
This commitment is reflected in our Vacancéole Environmental Charter, which launched in 2017 and meets several requirements:

  • An ongoing desire for enhanced quality among our guests
  • A desire for "wellbeing and good living" at the heart of territories
  • A commitment to caring, sustainable and responsible tourism that values the preservation and balance of all and resources (water, energy, etc.) in the face of environmental changes
  • A reduction in the impact of our tourist activity as an accommodation provider on the local environment through simple initiatives and sensible arrangements
  • Working with associations, labels and local players to develop environmentally-friendly tourism 

With more than 100 holiday residences in France, our medium-term commitment is to ensure this environmental management policy is implemented across our sites. We also want to boldly find new concrete actions to achieve a kind of tourism that respects biodiversity while offering unusual experiences in the heart of the regions to our travellers.

The Green Key label, an environmental label close to our hearts

Vacancéole currently has 10 Green Key residences helping to develop more responsible and sustainable tourism. This translates into better respecting resources (energy, water, waste, etc.), the territory and people. Green Key is an international environmental label and the leading eco-label for tourist accommodation in France. It is an independent jury that awards the label to residences based on a hundred or so criteria related to sustainable tourism management. 

Working with the League for the Protection of Birds

Three Vacancéole residences have the LPO Refuge label: Le Village des Oiseaux, Les Gorges Rouges and Le Domaine d'Ensérune.
The League for the Protection of Birds (LPO), chaired by Allain Bougrain-Dubourg, works daily on protecting spaces and environmental education and awareness. 

The inclusion of our residences in the LPO Refuge network represents an active commitment on our part to:

  • Create conditions where wildlife can live
  • Stop using chemicals
  • Reduce our impact on the environment by using eco-citizen initiatives such as making reasonable use of natural resources like water and recycling waste

Vacancéole is a founding member of the Essentiem endowment fund for kind tourism alongside partners including Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Tourisme

This is a first in the world of tourism: a pioneering and daring approach to imagine, design and implement innovative models for a more reasoned, fairer and more sustainable version of tourism. For Vacancéole, it was an obvious choice to invest our energy in the launch of this endowment fund. A common vision, a shared desire to create a kind version of tourism that takes into account respect for life, the seasons, men and women.

The goal of the Essentiem endowment fund is bold:

To create a public voice around the promotion of kind tourism, while improving conditions for people away from tourism and supporting the tourism sector through an environmentally responsible approach, including training in tourism and leisure professions.