Where to spend a weekend by the sea?
Are you looking for peace and quiet, sun, and a sea view? Why not spend a weekend by the sea? The good news is that France is the perfect place to get a change of scenery and lose yourself for a weekend by the water.
For a seaside getaway and magnificent views of vast blue waters, why not explore the charming places between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic ocean? Do you know the Basque Coast and its spicy and authentic character? The city of Bayonne is the first must-see destination for discovering the region, a citadel rich in arts and history with an attractive and colourful heritage. Discoverbrightlycolouredhalf-timberedhousesalongthenarrowstreets,EspelettechillipepperandBayonnehamstallsinthemarkets,andsurfboardsdottedacrossthewaves. Try your hand at the country's most popular sport by taking a surfing lesson. You'll become one with the ocean and experience the thrill of being able to stand up on your board.
Drop your suitcases off at the Allée des Dunes*** Residence near Bayonne. Once you’ve unpacked, you can even enjoy the on-site facilities. From ping-pong or pétanque tournaments after a dip in the 400 m2 pool, to bouncy castles for the children, there is everything you need. A certified Green Key residence, Vacancéole is serious about the environment and conservation of resources.
YoucanalsoexploreothertypicalBasqueCountryvillages. Go for a walk in the small seaside resort of Ondres, for example. Then grab your bikes and setofftodiscovertheLandesonthe300kilometresofcyclepaths.
North of Basque Country, you can discover Biscarosse. Still in the Landes, the pine trees provide pleasant shade for your beach trips. GototheNorthLakeforastrollonthesandybeachesofMaguideorNavarosse. Rent a paddle board or a small sailboat to cruise around the lake and relish in its tranquility.
NotfarfromBiscarosse,youcanalsoseeanimpressivelandscapedesignedbyMotherNatureherself:thePilatDune.Thisgiganticsandduneisover107metrestallandsitsinthemiddleoftheforestbetweentheLandesandGironde. Quite an incredible sight to see from the air if you can (and are not too afraid of heights).
The Domaine des Grands Lacs*** Residence, named after Biscarosse’s three freshwater lakes, is the perfect place to spend a weekend by the sea in a comfortable south-western holiday residence. From your holiday rental, you can take the time to visit the Bassin d’Arcachon and the famous Cap Ferret.
Let's change course and go from West to East France. OptforaweekendbytheseaintheOccitanieregion,nearMontpellier. The Cap Camargue*** Residence in Grau du Roi, in the Languedoc-Roussillon region, offers a quiet setting that is both in the heart of nature and close to the buzz of the city. Make the most of the varied landscapes of central Camargue: travel around the ponds, salt marshes and wetlands and disconnect from everyday life for a weekend.
The Cap Camargue Residence, like many other Vacancéole holiday residences, has been awarded a Green Key certification, proof of our commitment to sustainable tourism.